We need you to provide some personal details about yourself to ensure high service quality. You should feel comfortable with us and trust that your private information will not be mishandled. By browsing and purchasing from our website, you are agreeing to the following privacy policy. This policy states what personal data we need from you and how it will be handled, and it is an important disclosure to protect all parties involved.
When you place an order and/or make an account on our website, you must provide some personal information for us to provide you with quality service. In either of the aforementioned scenarios, we ask that you supply us with:
- First and Last Name
- Email Address
- Shipping Address
- Phone Number (Optional)
This information is only used to complete transactions and facilitate communications. Your privacy is something we take very seriously, so we guarantee all our valued customers that we will never share your personal information with anyone outside of Michigan Myco and our shipping carrier, USPS. By valued customers, we specifically exclude anyone who attempts to defraud, charge-back, or any other scam against us. For those of you who do attempt such scandalous acts, you will be blacklisted from placing future errors and your methods will be published to protect others from your devilish behaviors.
When you place an order, we process your name and address into a shipping label. Your email and phone number (optional) are provided to the shipping carrier in case they need to communicate with you directly. We also use email as the primary channel of communication for tracking details and conflict resolution.
When you make an account, we save your name, address, email, and phone number (optional) for future orders and communications. This is meant to make ordering from our site easier for you in the future. Your personal details are stored securely on our database, which is encrypted for maximum security.